Friday, May 30, 2008

IDA, How Will Ye Screw Us This Time?

So the IDA is finally getting around to searching for a replacement for Mike Eades, who left April 2. Remember his exit? The county was contractually obligated to provide his family with health insurance after he left? With contracts like that, we'd all be better off without an IDA.

The board, in it's first stroke of common sense, considered performing the search for a new director without hiring a consultant. Too bad they ignored the common sense idea and decided to hire a consultant. I guess none of the members wanted to actually peruse the resumes to see who was qualified.

So far, they're holding on to their second stroke of common sense and insisting that the new contract include some performance parameters. Let's hope that they don't screw that up and dumb down the parameters so that a monkey could do the job.

My question to the board is this: What is Interim Director Patsy Vaughan doing so wrong and why can't she be given the full time job? True, she hasn't produced the jobs the IDA promises session after session, but their high priced hired guns haven't excelled at producing jobs, either.

My rating for the IDA so far this year: Zero stars. That old Janet Jackson song comes to mind, "What Have You Done for Me Lately?"

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy (Belated) Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the great weather we had yesterday. I wanted to post this yesterday, but the family and I had been on a short vacation for the last few days.

Take the time to let a vet know you appreciate them!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Commonwealth's Attorney Prosecutes a Case!

It's hard to believe that the ever politically minded Mrs. White didn't plead this one out. The Sheriff's Office must have handed her a slam dunk case on this one.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Economic Stimulus Check

What do you plan to do with yours?

Will this plan have any real effect on our local economy, or will it just help big box stores sell TV's and computers?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


If you reside in one of Halifax County's towns, get out and vote today!

Just think, if you want to complain, you need to be able to brag about voting for the idiots!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Moser leaves SBPD...

Edited for clarification. I read about Moser resigning on halifaxtalk. I didn't read that he was going to the HCSO on halifaxtalk. That was my own conjecture. Regardless, I wish him the best. Lord knows we need his canine unit on the force around here no matter where it is.

I read over on my favorite forum that Todd Moser has resigned from the South Boston Police Department. All the posters are stepping lightly around the subject, but I'll go ahead and say it.

Moser will go to the Halifax County Sheriff's Office to fill the position vacated by David Irby.

This is just another step in Noblin's plan to offer jobs to those people who supported him in his election campaign. Anyone remember who else appeared in the campaign materials with Noblin?

I'm not sure how I feel about this turn of events. On one hand, I reeks of a 'good old boy's club' deal; and on the other hand if I were in Noblin's position I would probably surround myself with loyal deputies, as well.

Another question: Does anyone know of David Irby supported either candidate throughout the campaign?

Update on the Uranium Seminar

Well, well, well!

How interesting it is to read the comments from people that attended the seminar with open minds.

Check out the comments to my previous post for some comments, and check out this blog entry by Ophelia Ford for their blow by blow of the meeting.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Uranium Alliance Pow Wow

It looks like SCC and the No-Uranium crowd are happy with their recent back slapping pow wow. That, or the punctuation store was having a 50% off sale on exclamation points and periods. That meeting must have been downright orgasmic!(!!!!)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pedestrians in Danger in the Town of Halifax?

The News & Record informs us that the Halifax Police Department will begin aggressively enforcing traffic laws at crosswalks.

Is this really a huge issue in the village? I realize that on court days the town is crowded with cars and pedestrians, but I've never seen anything close to the mayhem that is common in larger areas. Who has actually complained about the issue?

Is David Irby regretting his choice to join the HPD yet? To go from the front lines of the county's major crime fighting force to enforcing crosswalk etiquette and manning the town's speed trap has to be quite a blow to one's moral.

I know I'm full of questions, but inquiring minds want to know!


Someone emailed me this link. It looks like Fairfax actually has a pedestrian safety problem. I wonder if they would find Halifax's press release humorous?