Friday, February 27, 2009

CAD Lab Ribbon Cutting Photo: Same Crap, Different Day

(c) 2009 The Gazette-Virginian

Today's Gazette-Virginian (link will become useless on 3/2/2009) has a photo and article of the recent ribbon cutting ceremony at the HCHS STEM Center. This photo is extremely interesting for the simple fact that it shows eight people, but only three of them are important to the project. The rest are superfluous grand standers there only for the photo op.

See if you can choose the three important ones.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Paul D. Stapleton: Hypocrite

In today's News & Record about stimulus money being available for education spending, His Highness, The Duke of Halifaxian Education, Paul D. Stapleton said this:

“We are hoping for flexibility in its use which will allow us to use it to keep our teachers in the classroom.”

Stapleton actually asked for flexibility. Mr. my-precious-academies-cannot-be-threatened actually asked for flexibility from another agency who may be handing him millions of dollars. How hypocritical is that?

Most citizens of Halifax County are ready to cut and run on the academies and dual enrollment, but those things aren't even on the budget cutting block and no member of the board will even bring it up.

Does Stapleton work at the discretion of our Board or is it the other way around? I understand that he is contracted through the next few years, but does the Board have to accept every edict he bestows on them as gospel? Can they not say no to this man?


Joe Gasperini has gone on record to state that middle school sports is safe and not being considered as a cut to balance the budget.

While I didn't support wiping out middle school sports, I just don't see how they plan to balance the budget without making some wholesale cuts which will probably require increasing the student to teacher ratio. Bye bye experienced teachers! It was nice knowing you. My prediction is that the arts will suffer the worst fate. Band/chorus/art will be history, and if not history, they'll be stripped down to useless levels.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Armstrong vs. Hogan on the House Floor

Delegate Ward Armstrong (D-Henry) takes Clarke Hogan to task for implying that he was a liar and for using questionable figures in a discussion about the budget. Clarke Hogan, as is his manor, uses his condescending attitude to attempt to rebut Armstrong's budget accusations.

Fuzzy math, anyone?

Armstrong is my hero of the day!

Special thanks to an anonymous reader for forwarding this video to me.

More of Hogan's Bad Attitude

This video shows Hogan giving a backhanded remark to another Representative ON THE HOUSE FLOOR. (Watch at about 2:20)

Further proof of his character.

Update on the Clarke Hogan Saga

Not Larry Sabato picked up the article about Clarke Hogan disrespecting a fellow representative and ran with it. It obviously incited some strong opinions from people in Nokesville. They are petitioning Hogan to formally apologize to Thomas Woude's family.

Sometimes the internet is a great thing!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Clarke Hogan's True Colors

Halifax's own Clark Hogan has finally let his true colors show in Richmond. South Boston's left leaning News & Record ran to the presses with this article.

Hogan calls a fellow Republican a "piece of sh*t." If he's willing to say that in public, I can only imagine what he calls others, especially Democrats, in private.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Danville Gamblers Arrested

Did they learn nothing from the Hill's Tarvern fiasco?

Additional Hill's link.


I did some research on the court system website and it looks like all the charges against Eric Miller (Hill's Tavern owner) were either dismissed or nol prosecuted. I don't recall seeing that in the papers.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sheriff Stanley Noblin: Effective or Ineffective?

A reader's comment on a previous post gave my brain a kick start for this topic.

In your opinion, has Sheriff Noblin been effective? Why or why not, and please list examples to support your statements.

Comment away!

Candidates for Governor of Virginia

Virginia will elect a new Governor this November. With the recent Presidential Election so vivid in all our memories it pains me to have to consider another set of campaigns, but I think we need to start considering our options.

So far it looks like the GOP only has one possible candidate at this point, Bob McDonnell, and the Dems have three likely candidates; Creigh Deeds, Brian Moran, and Terry McAuliffe.

I admit that I haven't done much research on any of them, so I'm completely open at this point. Do any of you, my esteemed readers, have any opinions on them? If so, please share them in the comments.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One More Strike at the Separation of Church and State

The Virginia House of Delegates approved a bill to allow State Police Chaplains to basically say whatever they want at official State Police gatherings. The only hope is for a gubernatorial veto.

If you value your religious freedom (and everyone else's), please contact Governor Kaine and ask him to veto this unconstitutional bill.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Halifax Courthouse 'Needs' $14M Dollars

From the (user unfriendly) Gazette-Virginian website:

...a $14 million courthouse project recently turned up on the county’s “shovel ready” wish list for a piece of the action in President Barack Obama’s proposed $825 billion economic stimulus plan.

What the Hell? I apologize for my use of profanity but the absurdity of wanting to spend $14M on our courthouse is enough to make a preacher curse, let alone little old me!

The supporting photos in the article do show some disrepair that needs attention, but $14M??? The eroded mortar and brick work needs to be fixed, and the walls need some plaster and paint, but $14M????

Hey Board of Supervisors: Give your taxpayers a break! I challenge you to publish the complete renovation plan for all to see.

Halifax Board of Supervisors Aren't Pleased with Auction Results

The County attempted to auction the recently closed school properties this weekend and the BOS is surprised at outcome. What did these elected buffoons expect? Halifax County isn't exactly rolling in the dough and neither are it's citizens.

A wise person once told me that if you wanted to find out the true value of something, you should hold a public auction. The high bid is that item's true value at that moment simply because you have someone willing to pay you that amount.

The C.H. Friend property has a tax assessment of over three million dollars. How in the world can that be accurate, especially since the building has been neglected and vandalized?

Let the properties go to the high bidders and move on. The longer the properties sit neglected the lower their real value will be. Who will win by declining those bids? It certainly will not be county taxpayers.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mismanagement of Closed Schools

I have heard that perfectly usable A/V equipment and textbooks were left in C.H. Friend Elementary School for vandals to destroy. Can anyone who attended the auctions this weekend confirm this in the comments?

And the School Board has the nerve to ask us for more money? What a sad commentary that is. If the equipment wasn't needed it should have been sold at auction. The school system usually holds an annual auction at the bus shop to recoup a fraction of the money it overspends on equipment like that every year.

Hey School Board: GIVE US A BREAK!

Deputy Crashes County Car

A deputy crashed a police cruiser while chasing a car last week. Am I the only person that found the local reporting to be less than thorough on the matter?

What was the suspect's original infraction to warrant a chase scenario?

The Deputy was not charged in the accident. Obviously the suspect (who was easily found and arrested the next day) made it through the same stretch of road without crashing. Why couldn't the deputy? If the suspect had crashed I'd be willing to bet that he would've been charged with failure to maintain proper control.

Of course our local media (I know... stop laughing) will let this fall through the cracks. I can almost forgive The News & Record since they helped get Sheriff Noblin elected and I wouldn't expect them to print anything critical of his department, but the Gazette-Virginian will do no better. And WHLF's 'news' is a joke. Since Kenneth Cranford passed away they haven't aired an original news item.

Halifax County School Board's Financial Crisis

The school system is saying they'll be short over $3m and are threatening to cut sports programs to help balance the budget.

  1. Cutting out all sports programs won't be enough to balance the budget.
  2. Threatening to slash sports programs was a ploy to excite the natives so they will rise up in protest, thereby helping the board extract more money from the Board of Supervisors.
  3. Easiest way to fix the budget: a) kill the two bus system b) kill the dual enrollment and academy programs.
Boom! Budget balanced, problem solved.

Of course the dual enrollment and academy system will continue to suck cash from the system because it's King Stapleton's pet. Whatever he wants, he gets.

Has the board ever stood up to him and said, "NO?"