Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Halifax Courthouse 'Needs' $14M Dollars

From the (user unfriendly) Gazette-Virginian website:

...a $14 million courthouse project recently turned up on the county’s “shovel ready” wish list for a piece of the action in President Barack Obama’s proposed $825 billion economic stimulus plan.

What the Hell? I apologize for my use of profanity but the absurdity of wanting to spend $14M on our courthouse is enough to make a preacher curse, let alone little old me!

The supporting photos in the article do show some disrepair that needs attention, but $14M??? The eroded mortar and brick work needs to be fixed, and the walls need some plaster and paint, but $14M????

Hey Board of Supervisors: Give your taxpayers a break! I challenge you to publish the complete renovation plan for all to see.


Pictures of a Gone World said...

Don't worry about using 'Hell.' I think it's pretty appropriate in this case and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Anonymous said...

ha ha ah aha ah aha ha aha haa ha

that is about all I can muster.

ha ha ha aha ha aha aha ah ahaa ha ah

deep breath.

I'm OK now.

ha ha ha aha ha aha ha aha aha