Thursday, February 5, 2009

One More Strike at the Separation of Church and State

The Virginia House of Delegates approved a bill to allow State Police Chaplains to basically say whatever they want at official State Police gatherings. The only hope is for a gubernatorial veto.

If you value your religious freedom (and everyone else's), please contact Governor Kaine and ask him to veto this unconstitutional bill.


Anonymous said...

I agree with the bill. What is unconstitutional is when they tell the minsters that they cannot speak what they believe, or they will be fired.

They are chaplains if you do not like what they believe do not hire them at all.

Anonymous said...

The chaplains are all volunteers, so there is no hiring.

How can you have them allowing Jesus holy rollers to pray if you don't have representatives from every other religion there spewing their brand of dogma?

Stupid bill that Kaine will hopefully veto.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they are not all volunteers.

I think the state police hires their chaplains.

If they do not want a "Jesus holy roller"...then only hire those who do not hold those religious views....use a narrowly defined religious test to determine whether or not they get the job.

I wonder what the constitutionality of that would be?

if they are volunteers use the same test in your vetting process..."no Jesus holy rollers"

Now I think that sounds stupid!

Dave Cline